Thursday, April 21, 2016

Driving In the dark

Today I woke up and missed the familiarity of the life we had. I missed the pattern of the day and routine that made my life easy. It was painful to get out of my empty bed and make breakfast alone. My mind tires from the conversations I keep having with myself. A part of me will always miss what we had. 

It's scary, going down this new road without any direction. It's scary not knowing what lies ahead of me anymore, but moving forward is my only option. I could stop moving, I could easily give up and sit stagnant while depression and anger take over, but I keep moving forward because maybe through all of this chaos, through all of this darkness there's peace and light. If I keep going eventually I'll find the happiness that I thought was lost. I know something great is ahead of me. I know I'm meant for more than driving in the dark.

Eventually I had to let it all go. I stopped missing the way you kissed me, how I could smell you when you pulled me close. I've let you go because you're not the person I fell in love with. I miss who you were, not who you are.